We Need Your Support

We Need Your Support

If approved these airlines will help connect more customers between more points across the globe, more conveniently than ever before. By voicing your support for the antitrust application filed with the U.S. Department of Transportation by American, British Airways, Iberia, Finnair and Royal Jordanian, you can help us deliver better service to customers, improved opportunities to employees and shareholders and expanded global access and economic growth to the communities we serve.


Send a letter to the DOT today urging support for the application that would allow these five airlines to greatly improve service, choice and competition for customers worldwide. Simply print the sample letter and send your letter to the address below. Let your friends and family know about this website and encourage them to support the effort as well.

Contact the Secretary of U.S. Department of Transportation Mary Peters

Let the DOT know that you are in favor of increased alliance competition and support our efforts. Click here to download a letter to print on your letterhead.

Mail to:
The Honorable Mary Peters
U.S. Department of Transportation
1200 New Jersey Ave, SE
Washington, DC 20590
Attn: Docket DOT-OST-2008-0252

Get Others Involved

Let your friends and family know about this website and encourage them to get involved in support of increased alliance competition.